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Monday, May 23, 2005

Desperate Housewives Predictions, Please

Ummm, this is a spoiler post, so if you don't want to know what happened, you should stop reading. ;)

I'd like predictions for next season. How will last night's cliffhangers end? I'll put my predictions in the comment section. Tell me what you think.


At 9:47 AM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

* Rex isn't dead. He's just afraid of Bree.

* Mike won't get killed. And, Mike is Zach's father.

* Gabby/Carlos/John I have no idea what's going to happen there. Carlos is going to jail for at least 8 months. Maybe he'll escape and come after John. And then, I'm pretty sure, he will eventually kill Gabby.

* Lynette will get an awesome job. She will do really well and enjoy her time away from home. Her husband will get jealous and cheat on her. Or, it will be revealed that he already has cheated on her and has a secret family somewhere in Utah.

Okay, that's what I think. Provide your psychic predictions into the future. ;)

At 10:12 AM, Blogger "Lisa" said...

You are still on this secret family thing

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

Yes, I'm telling you. Lynette's husband has a secret family. It's why he was willing to travel even more. Plus, he's just like his dad- a cheater. Secret family. I'm telling you!

At 6:21 PM, Blogger PSUMommy said...

-Lynette's hubby will have a horrible time getting used to being at home- he'll realize exactly what it takes to stay at home. Especially with those kids. But Lynette will love her indepenence (remember how she was offered a job back at her old company?) and how much do you want to bet the line "Well, I'm not coming back home. I already made the decision" (or something like it) will be used?

-Bree will get charged with murder, but somehow Psycho Pharmacist Guy will fake a 'rescue' for her and she'll be fooled into thinking he's a good guy.

-I love the idea that Mike is Zach's father! I hadn't thought of that! I think Zach is going to go nutso, though- he's going to hurt *someone* badly.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Squishi said...

we're a season behind you in DH her in Australia, so anything you post is a spoiler! I don't mind tho, cos I'm at school on Mondays and miss it. My father refuses to tape it for me because it clashes with American Football or some rubbish.

I make up for it by reading the website anyway :)

I do think Lynette's husband (I can't help but think of him as gay for some Melrose Play reason) does have a secret family or secret other partner... i'm just waiting...

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

Psumommy: Yea, I was thinking that Bree might get charged with murder. But, they would have to suspend a lot of thinking to pull it off. There's really no evidence that Bree is the culprit. But, I really don't think Rex is dead. Something is fishy when the hospital calls to tell you your husband is dead. Hospitals don't do that over the phone.

Squishi: Oh, sorry for the spoilers. But, hey, I did say this was a spoiler post. But, I guess it doesn't matter since you keep up with what's going on anyways. ;)

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Karla said...

I agree Rex is not dead and i think they are trying to trap Bree.

i also thought that Mike was Zach's father.

I think Carlos will find out that John is really the babies father and he is going to flip out.

Lynette will do an awesome job at work and her husband is going to go crazy with the kids at home. I also think that he has cheated on her before and we will find that out soon.


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