The Blogger Cooler

You know, like the conversations around your office water cooler? Only, the conversations will be with cooler people. And you don't have to be afraid of your boss listening to your conversation. And, you can say anything you want during your conversation. Okay, so I guess it's nothing like the conversations around your office water cooler. Just leave a comment, dammit!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Thanx to Squishi

Ooooo, I finally found a question to post on here. You all can thank Squishi for it.

Who is more deserving of their fame: The Olsen Twins or Paris Hilton?

I would like to play Devil's Advocate and say Paris Hilton. Okay, first of all it takes a lot of work to be in a sex tape. Secondly, she actually found a straight man with the same name as her's to marry. Third, there's The Simple Life and that was interesting for a season. And, she wrote a book. Allegedly.

Also, she's got more money than the Olsen Twins.

Okay, there's my vote. What's yours?


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Squishi said...

Hrm... Well Paris comes from a long line of pointless socialites and old money, but i'm not sure the other Paris is particularly straight to tell you the truth. I mean Paris is vaguely related to Zsa Zsa - need i say more? She managed to trademark the pointless saying "that's hot", but that's about it.

The Olsens are just pointless. They were famous for being on a TV show at 8 months old and don't do anything of note except pimp out their image and trademark it.

Nahh, they both get my vote. Paris is old trash though, the Olsens are new trash.

Neither deserve it!

At 3:06 PM, Blogger KOM said...

I've still got to hate on Paris. To be frank, since I'm not a pre-teen girl, I have not really be effected by the Olson twins.

At least the twins have done something. I'm not nominating either of them for an acadamy award, but they've actually worked hard.

Paris is a Debutante, an old-money embarassment.

Who's more deserving of fame? The "Where's the Beef lady".

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Wirthy said...

I heard that the Paris-Paris wedding is off. If that is true, I don't know how I'll go on.


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