The Blogger Cooler

You know, like the conversations around your office water cooler? Only, the conversations will be with cooler people. And you don't have to be afraid of your boss listening to your conversation. And, you can say anything you want during your conversation. Okay, so I guess it's nothing like the conversations around your office water cooler. Just leave a comment, dammit!

Monday, June 27, 2005

"Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt...You're Glib, Matt."

What made Tom Cruise go craazzy?

Jumping on couches, marrying girls he met 2 months ago, and exclaiming that psychiatric drugs that alter the mind are bad, while herbs and vitamins that alter the mind are good.

What the hell?

My friend Toya De says it's a mid-life crisis. Best Week Ever on VH1 says he's always been crazy. But, I really want to know, what made Tom Cruise go craazzy?

Maybe he can't handle all the great, uh...benefits, that come with dating a 26 year old? ;)

I'm slightly worried about Tom. While his craziness has entertained me (a lot!), I can't continue to laugh at the man, when I know he needs help. Somebody needs to prescribe him some lithium... ;)

( This is the now infamous Today show interview; it doesn't get real good until 7 1/2 minutes into the interview; although, you can see shots of Katie Holmes in the background with a big goofy grin on her face ("I'm marrying a rich man- whoo-hoo!!")).


At 10:42 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

What Tom Cruise needs to do is stop trying to explain Scientology to people when he doesn't fully understand what he's talking about. He just starts to sound, well, crazy. He's one of those people that if you don't agree with what he's saying, then he thinks you don't understand what he's saying. And that certainly isn't the case. He is acting like a bully, which is I'm sure the exact way he was recruited into scientology. He thinks if he argues with you enough, you'll start to see the light, and come to his team. That's why I am concerned about his fiancee. She is so young and very impressionable. She is going to be on Oprah in 10 years talking about how she was trapped and scared and had no way to back out once she got engaged. I would be interested to know what a Scientoglogy wedding is like.

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

I have to agree with you, R. On the Today show, anytime Matt Lauer asked him a substantive, rebuttal question, he would respond with "You don't understand psychiatry, I do. I studied it, you didn't." He never answererd a single question. It was funny and yet annoying at the same time.

I'm starting to think this is just the way Tom is (craazzy). He was on Oprah once, and she asked him how does he teach his son (who is Black) how to deal with racism, because he will experience it when he gets older and is away from the protection of his father. Tom said, "No one will do that to my son." Op's was like, "well, they may not know it's your son." And, then Tom lauged and said, "Oprah, no one will do that to my son."

~Doo-do-doo-do-doo-doo~ Tom is leaving in another reality. ;p

At 11:15 AM, Blogger KOM said...

Has anyone seen Bowfinger? Any time the topic of Scientology is mentioned I immediatly think of "Mind Head".


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

He's always been crazy, it's just that now he's SERIOUSLY crazy.
Before he'd joke and kind of blow things off with a "You just don't understand" attitude. NOW, he gets pissed off and flips out!!

Scientology is a very odd religion(?). L.Ron Hubbard invented it on a bet that he could come up with something based in scientific fact that could solve everyones problems. Not like that Bible mumbo jumbo I guess.
It's sort of Zen meets Psychiatry. Very odd, I tried reading up on it once and it made Jerks brain hurt. BAD.

By the way Dianetics is Scientology lite and I couldn't finish that either.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

It's funny that you say Scientology is Zen meets Psychiatry, J. According to Tom, Scientologists no like Psychiatry.

I wonder if Scientology just ripped off Psychiatry? Hmmm... ;)

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

It did, just read any of the stuff and you'll see that. I think they want to be considered ABOVE psychiatry. From what little I've read, it's also similar to a 12 step program. Anytime they referenced becoming "Clear" it reminded me of my psychology classes pertaining to addiction.

"Forget the OLD you, that's how you were PROGRAMMED by your family and your environment. Look deep and become the REAL you. Only then will you become "Clear".
"Forget pain and fear, they don't exist. Everything is an illusion created by you."
"Scientology surrounds us, penetrates us, it's what binds Hollywood together."
"Do or Do not, there is no TRY"

No wait, I think I got my religions mixed up somewhere.

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Jomama said...

I didn't see the show when it aired, so I just watched that link (I skipped past the movie talk; I wanted to see Tom act a fool). I agree with Reese, He is annoying and funny at the same time. It seemed as if Matt was trying to pacify Tom throughout the interview cause he could sense that Tom was getting too intense. He sounded like an idiot, making assumptions about what Matt Lauer knows or doesn't know and what he himself knows or doesn't know. And it didn't seem like the interview even went anywhere because Tom kept refuting everything Matt said and then not really saying anything substantial in response.

As for his and Katie's whirlwind romance, that's beyond my realm of understanding. I missed the infamous Oprah episode and I have never been one to keep up with celebrity relationships anyways. My best guess is it really is love. Dangerous, sick, brain-washed love.

I would love to know what's going on inside Katie's mind through all of this. If she doesn't think he's a complete nut, I fear for her sanity. I also feel very sorry for her family. I can't imagine a devout Catholic family sitting around the dinner table with that lunatic.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Squishi said...

hrm. Scientology doesn't want you in their group unless you're RICH. You must give them a hell of a lot of money. Once you're not rich anymore they tend to do away with you.

Have you ever heard of them asking *you* to join? They're rather exclusionary, unless you're a celebrity who will promote them and give them money.

I feel sorry for anyone caught up in it, giving money alone isn't going to get you into heaven.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger KOM said...

Now I'm totally confused. Scientology is Jedi-republicanism?

That's very scary, indeed.

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Squishi said...

Tom was on "ROVE Live" (which isn't so live btw) here in Australia last night, and he was totally off his rocker when talking about KH.

At one point he stood on the chair with his head way above the fixed camera and set hight and said nothing at all, then he got down on the ground and redid his punching routine.

He avoided almost every question with any kind of answer except "she's a great girl".

Fortunately my phone rang at this point so I never saw the end of the interview, but yeah, he's off his tree.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Squishi said...

I do realise though that if he sat there on tv comparing her to Nicole Kidman, every Australian would totally turn on him and not see the damned movie.

Nicole may be an impossible princess who is up herself completely, (if you lived in Sydney you'd know) but he was wise not to upset Australians when he once was their favourite son-in-law.... maybe that's why he didn't say too much on our tv.

He's still weird tho.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger "Lisa" said...

R: Dudes Katie Holmes is 26. She is a grown ass woman not a young and impressionable child who is wealth and famous in her own right. I seriously doubt she will be "trapped" into anything and if ten years from now she's on Oprahs couch I will thiink she is as much an idiot as tom was on Oprah's couch

Everyone else: Knock Tom if you want to but he's still hot and rich. I'd marry his ass in a second!

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Desiree said...

"Lisa" You tell it girl! I actually agree with you, I'd marry his crazy ass too!

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

Say what you will, "Lisa," but Tom is craazzy. That doesn't mean I wouldn't marry him (I'd marry him for money, not for love like Katie). But, he is definitly off his rocker.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

Has anyone ever wondered what the average age of a Charles Manson family member was? Or how many "adults" lived at Jonestown? I'm not saying that Scientology is a violent cult - but I also don't believe that people make the best decisions for themselves as far as "religion" is concerned. At least with Catholocism and most Christian churches, you're not going to be bilked out of your life savings.

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Trish said...

Scientology put me off all religions for good.
I was in Oregon when the whole Tom/Katy thing went down and I thought, "gosh, their lives are great and they seem so happy, maybe it's Scientology!!" Then I did some research on this "religion" that was indeed made up by Mr. Hubbard who, by the way, is a science fiction writer. Do you know that Scientology has their own Navy? I'm serious, its called the Sea Organization and they make you sign a BILLION YEAR contract. Crazy? Yes.
Another thing about Scientology that may make clear T/K's weirdness is that they think that all people who question you are out to destroy you which is what make Scientology a cult in my opinion.
OK, I'm ranting now, but I came too close to converting to Scientology not to speak out about it's weirdness.
You know, to go "clear", you sit down with someone who has not training whatsoever and hold on to metal bars (not dissimilar to bicycle handlebars) that are hooked up to some sort of volt meter and tell all your problems to this untrained "guide". Based on the readings displayed on the volt meter, the guide can tell where your mischievious aliens are. Yes, they believe that ancient alien souls are clouding up our minds.
Do some research on this cult/religion. I must say that Mr. Hubbard is a genius indeed - he made the worlds first interactive science fiction novel.


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