KKKramer Hates Black People
Where's Willy Jenkins when you need him?
Michael Richards (aka KKKramer of Seinfeld) went on a racist tirade when two black men, allegedly, heckled him during his show. Evidently, the only comeback KKKramer could think of was, "You're a n*gg*r!!"
That's class.
Here's the video.
PS: Let me just say this right now...
I believe in freedom of speech. That being said, unless you want to incur the Wrath of Reese, I better not here anyone defend this man especially with such untruths as "most black people use that word" and "but white people are so oppressed by black people- this is such a double standard!"
The Wrath of Reese is mighty and will leave you crying home to your mother as you re-evaluate why you should still be alive. It would be best not to test me on this one.
UPDATE 11/24/06 11:35p by KOM
Same video as above, but I want to highlight this version because the subtitles are legible and the video is longer.
UPDATE 11/27/06 1:22p by Reese the Law Girl
I changed the title of this post from "Michael Richards Hates Black People" to "KKKramer Hates Black People" because I like calling Michael Richards "KKKramer." It's funny.
I believe in freedom of speech also, and that you can joke about anything, even 'that word", but when I saw this I, like Paul Rodriguez who was there, kept waiting for the punchline.
It never came.
(J scribbles in his manifesto)...Note...to..self....do..NOT invite..Mel Gibson..OR...Michael Richards...to..your...parties. (underlined)
I was able to see his "apology".
OK, MAYBEif he'd dropped the N-bomb once or twice and actually made some kind of joke that wound up being a "can't we all get along/let's not let words keep us apart" kind of thing, but c'mon......the fork up your ass thing? Asshole. I say we launch him into space.
I feel that this will affect me enjoying Seinfeld reruns.
"Ha ha...oh that George. HEY, there's that racist bastard barging into the room again".
LOL hey, you guys remember that time Reese posted sumthin nobody wanted to touch with a 10ft pole 'cept that dumbass Jerk? LOL oh man......
Good times...good times...
This is super touchy ground for obvious reasons.
I am a big proponent of the "shock" version of comedy. If I had time or space here, I would better defend that sentence.
Which is not to say that I like, for example, Howard Stern. Shock loses its shock...
That being said, Michael Richards (MR - mentally retarded or miscreant robustus) said what he said, and there is no defense.
Yet, there is enough there to lead me to believe that we was angling toward a punchline. I thought about arguing the point, but I just don't have the time.
Sometimes, humor is the best medicine (see Richard Pryor). Sometimes, humor is terribly executed and stupid (see Richard Pryor).
I don't defend Mr. Richards for his tirade, but I also refuse to believe his intent was purely racist without further information.
J: I remember in this movie (I think it was Can't Hardly Wait) there was this character who was like wannabe thug-gangsta-rapper or something (white dude). Anyways, of course he uses the "n-word" and of course the black guys around him beat his ass.
I thought that was a hilariously funny use of that word. I don't understand why people don't get how to use that word in a funny way. That movie was a perfect example. White person uses it, white person gets beat down. Hilarious!
Kom: I don't see where your coming from about KKKramer possibly not being racist or trying to be funny, but I respect your opinion.
Of course, I believe KKKramer is the devil, so...
Don't let the paleness fool you, I grew up in two worlds. A white one, and a hispanic/brown one. I also grew up in a poor, mostly Black & Hispanic neighborhood where I was the minority halfbreed who got picked on and beat up a lot. I know too well the problems with race AND money in our country. I know that words CAN harm, and I know that hatred and hurt/sadness run very, very deep.
I know that ones first reaction when insulted/hurt IS to lash out in anger, I however shall lash out in sadness.
It could be miscommunication and/or (which is probably the case), I'm an idiot, but the "The only good indian is a dead indian"-ness of "White person uses it, white person gets beat down. Hilarious!" statement has me respectfully requesting to me UN-associated with this blog. Feel free to de-link and such as you please. Thanks.
It's been fun.
Well, until now anyway.
I broke my own rule of never talking race, religion or BBQ with others. Once you get in, there is no way to get out without putting your foot in your mouth or making shit worse.
Okay, I'm totally confused, J.
My statement was in no way analogous to "the only good Indian is a dead Indian." I don't think white people should die. I was being funny and sarcastic. I was giving an example of a funny use of the word. It was funny. You should watch the movie. I was in a theater full of white people who were watching it and they all busted out laughing.
Look, I'll say this right now- I don't use that word and I don't think anyone should use that word to identify any person. Having been called a n*gg*r to my face as a child I have no tolerance for it. However, just as you said in your comment, ("I believe in freedom of speech also, and that you can joke about anything, even 'that word") there have been ways that people have used that slur and other slurs in funny and sarcastic ways. I mentioned one of them in a funny and sarcastic way. I'm not sure how you could take offense to the mentioning of a funny way the word has been used (and used by WHITE people in a WHITE movie I might add), considering that you yourself said that people can joke about that word, but I'm not apologizing for being funny and sarcastic about something that was funny and sarcastic.
If you want to be removed from this blog just let me know. Of if Kom and Dez want me removed from it they can let me know that as well. Whatever.
Nope, I just thought, and this is SO like me, that I was the asshole when really I was trying to give the world hug.
Therefore I was removing myself (the offender) from a group of cool people.
Actually, that's bullshit, I was trying to give YOU specifically a hug, fuck the world.
I don't need a hug although I appreciate the sentiment. :) And, I would say "F- the world" too, except I have to deal with the world on a daily basis. That's why it's important to let people know that some things are just plain wrong and should not be tolerated.
As I told Kom, with the exception of some people (racists, sexists, and others who are exceptionally intolerant) I can agree to disagree and respect someone else's opinion (which I believe I said in my first comment to this post). But, I never have said nor would I ever tolerate the sentiment that all white people should be eliminated or all white people are the devil.
KKKramer is the devil. But, I don't believe all white people are the devil. That would just be stupid.
If you read anything I wrote to be advocating that position I'll tell you right now it was a complete misread. I was actually just agreeing with you that slurs can be used in funny ways.
What are we talking about? I disappear for a week, and everything is crazy!
Reese - I don't have to tell you, but it seems that I must, that KKKramer is a fictional character. We're talking about Michael Richards. Right?
As far as Richards not being racist, for example, I notice that there are no posts about Isaiah Washington and the "faggot" comment. It is certainly not my wish that Mr. Washington is black, because it complicates matters... in regards to this post.
Can I call someone a "faggot" without being a... homosexist? ( did I just coin a phrase?) Can I call someone a nigger without being a racist?
Reese, we go 'round and 'round on this, and I understand that you have a unique view, being you, and a different view, being black. Still, the complete passover of my points being "respect your opinion" is unfair.
If it began and ended at Nigger, you'd have a point. If there were no other comments, and vitriol was the only communication, you'd have a point. But we both know that something else was going on... "It shocks you.. to see what's buried beneath you!"
I'm not saying that that something else was funny. And in the end, is there anything less forgivable than a comic who completely flubs a thought-train?
Okay, I'm completely confused by ya'll. In the end I've actually come to the opinion that you all may be a little bit more sensitive about this than I am. Or, perhaps, you didn't realize that over the course of time my anger turned into humor and I began making fun of the whole thing.
1) KKKramer is a joke. A joke! It's funny. Or at least I think it's funny. And, over at DListed, where the term was coined, everyone thought it was funny- including myself. So, I started using it. 'Cause it was funny! Geesh!
2) Kom, when I said "I respect your opinion," I MEANT IT! I can't believe I get yelled at for having respect for people's opinion! Are you kidding me? I didn't agree with your opinion at all, but I wanted you to know that that didn't mean that I dismissed you.
I don't know...I guess I just won't do that again or something.
3) I didn't post about the Isaiah Washington "faggot" thingy, because first of all it wasn't that interesting me, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, much of the story was rumor and innuendo. I know, I actually read celebrity blogs and followed the story. We don't know if he really said that and no one from the cast has actually admitted what really happened. So, why would I chastise someone as being homophobic if I don't really know if it's true. That's like if I randomly picked your favorite uncle or something and said, "Hey, his uncle is racist!" How do I know that to be true? What proof is there? Do I even know your uncle?
My goodness, we have to have some standards!
Geez louise. I mean, I'm black, and yet it doesn't seem that I'm nearly as sensitive as ya'll are about this. I didn't call you all racist or ignorant. I don't think in any way you are. I even began joking about the incident.
I realize because we are not discussing things face to face you cannot see how I am actually saying things. But, really, I think we should all calm down a bit. Any anger or bad feelings I have are directed at KKKramer (Michael Richards) and not J or Kom.
Oh, so NOW you guys are calling me a faggot?!!!
Let's move on shall we?
No! We're not moving on until Reese apologizes for respecting my opinion.
Oh, there it is.
I thought everyone was getting soft there, for a minute!
Off subject, somewhat, I heard an interview on the Adam Corrola show this morning with the woman prosecuting a case against Richards by the folks who were offended by his comments. The Richards thing I just found disgusting, but this actively pisses me off! Have we come so far with this litigious society that we can sue other people for hurting our feelings?
I tell you what, I have an ex-girlfriend who's going to pay through her teeth for the emotional trauma that she caused me.
Wait a second!
I'm not moving on until Kom acknowledges, the acknowledgement, of the apology, for respecting his opinion!
Ha! Make sense of that!
On the other thing, I don't really get the lawsuit. I think Gloria Allred just wants the publicity.
But, then again, maybe it's some sort of good strategy to make lot's of money. I mean, she sure does have a lot more money than me.
Hey, now!
I'm announcing my lawsuit against KKKramer. I'm accusing him of making this one of the longest responded to posts on the Blogger Cooler that didn't involve making fun of Paris Hilton or Britney Spears!
Um...wait a minute. I can't move on until someone apolgizes to me for not notifying me of this debate.
Man you all were getting feisty. Good stuff.
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