The Blogger Cooler

You know, like the conversations around your office water cooler? Only, the conversations will be with cooler people. And you don't have to be afraid of your boss listening to your conversation. And, you can say anything you want during your conversation. Okay, so I guess it's nothing like the conversations around your office water cooler. Just leave a comment, dammit!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year, Bitches!

Yeah, so I'm five days late. Sue me! I can defend myself in court for free.

Anyways, what's your new year's resolution? Mine is to win $10 million dollars from Publisher's Clearinghouse. I feel like I can really make good on this. Don't ask why, it's just a feeling.

So, what's your resolution for this year?


At 5:15 PM, Blogger KOM said...

To check in here more often than once a week!

Or, maybe, to write here more than one a year!

...well, let's not get crazy.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Desiree said...

I don't make resolutions. What for? I forget about them after the 3rd day.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

What the?!?
NO Britney?
NO Rev. Al "Strom" Sharpton or whatever it is?

You've changed Blogger Cooler.
I don't even know who you ARE anymore!!


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