The Blogger Cooler

You know, like the conversations around your office water cooler? Only, the conversations will be with cooler people. And you don't have to be afraid of your boss listening to your conversation. And, you can say anything you want during your conversation. Okay, so I guess it's nothing like the conversations around your office water cooler. Just leave a comment, dammit!

Friday, December 02, 2005

How important is Sex when picking a mate?

Ok I need some help. Just a brief survey of the blogger world to ask people how important is sex. Say you have an ex. And that ex provided you with spectatcular sex. Is that enough to get back with that ex. And say you have a present who provides you with good but not spectatcular sex. SO it kinda stacks up like this

Ex= Spectatcular sex, Annoying habits, Nothing in common and older guy.
Present= Medium sex, Same interests, same age, same families types and can chat for hours on the phone.

Solve my dilemma
Alright pick one.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I can tell you from experience "Lisa", you won't be happy with either one.
Go find an all of the above guy.

Also, why is it that you only comment on my bog like every 6 months and when you do you come off as grumpy?
Is just that I think you don't exist?
Don't take it personally Lis, there are TONS of people I think don't exist.
Santa, The Easter Bunny, Ross Perot, any girl named Britney, that guy at the news stand, Reese, YOU, Ben "AFLAC" and a cast of thousands.
Hell, I probably don't exist.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...


Don't look at me! I'm not really here!


BTW, "Lisa" is always hostile. If she wasn't hostile, well, then you should be worried.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Desiree said... what, are you trying to set a trend? You posted a day after me!

Well...I say if you're not happy with the current man, dump him, have sex with ex (dude, I never say no to good sex, j/k!), until you find a new man.

So which is Mike huh???

At 11:59 PM, Blogger ManNMotion said...

Your dilemma is irrelevant.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger "Lisa" said...

My dilemna is irrelevant? I am hurt that my inconsequencial problems mean nothing to you.

FYI Jerk Reese is right. When I am nice is when you should be worried.

At 2:40 PM, Blogger KOM said...

"Your dilemma is irrelevant"? Do we have a new super villain catch-phrase, or what? I had something to say, but I've been laughing too hard get back to it!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger KOM said...

"But, Dark Lord! If I pull the lever, humanity dies! If I don't, I'll lose the woman I love!" [ED: italics added for comic authenticity]

"Your dilemma is irrelevant."


At 8:06 PM, Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

ROTFL @ Kom!!!!

Stop it! You're making my sides hurt! ;)

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Oh that is SO replacing "I am become infinite!" for my bad guy line.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Sex is tha essence.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger "Lisa" said...

Actually I decided sex wasn't the essence. Great Sex can not overcome utter incompatability. Fortunately I will be single forever so I can just enjoy the great sex with out worrying about my future.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger derek said...

I am a big sex fan...

I think sex is important...but not at the expense of compatibility as decadence stated.

In short, choose the man that is more compatible...because sex can improve.

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I decided to say "Hi" to everybody on my blog list today.

Hi Blogger Cooler guys!

Hi ME!

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Laura Brown said...

My ex became a sexual monk while we were still married. So, medium sex would be a huge improvement. I wouldn't be too quick to look for a Door Number Three. Finding someone you actually like spending time with is important too. The phone thing would ick me unless he can sit up late into the night and talk, in PERSON too.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I think everything else needs to be in place including compatability. The sex you can work on (as long as he's got the proper machinery and isn't short-changed, if you know what I mean). I hear they have books with pictures! He's never too old to learn :-)


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