The Blogger Cooler

You know, like the conversations around your office water cooler? Only, the conversations will be with cooler people. And you don't have to be afraid of your boss listening to your conversation. And, you can say anything you want during your conversation. Okay, so I guess it's nothing like the conversations around your office water cooler. Just leave a comment, dammit!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Can You Keep a Secret?

Not to blow up Kom's post (that game was fun, man), but uhhh...

Dude! Janet Jackson has an 18 year-old daughter that she's kept secret for AT LEAST 18 years. ;)

Seriously, it's all out in the open now. The father is Janet's first husband, one of those Debarge boys. She had the baby (her name is Renee, btw) and then gave the baby to her sister, Rebe (the only sane Jackson, allegedly) to raise.

This is not a rumor. It's true, man, I swear!!

And, all I have to say is this...

What the hell is wrong with the Jacksons? Were they just born this way? I mean, Janet literally dodged the question about her having a kid for years. People used to ask her, and she'd say, it's just a rumor. That she never had a daughter. There are lot's of people who give up their kids for adoption, but do you have to have a kid, give the kid up, and then deny the kid's existence for almost two decades!


And, I used to think Janet was the non-crazy one. Whatever.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Game time

I don't have anything to talk about, because I've been playing this game all freaking day. It's mouse crack.

You all might want to kiss your loved one's one last time before following the link. I'm not sure that we'll be coming back.

I know, I know, this isn't exactly water cooler conversation. But I'm trying to keep things moving, dig?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

That's Really Smurfed Up!

Dude, someone bombed the Smurfs.


Unicef-Belgium has a new ad campaign touting the effects of war on children using the Smurfs as a sacrifice. The ad shows the Smurfs all happy go lucky, as they usually are, and then...


Missles start falling everywhere and all the Smurfs die.

Even Smurfette.

At the end, Baby Smurf is sitting in the middle of the town crying.

You know what I think about this?


I absolutely hated the Smurfs as a kid. I'm surprised someone didn't do this a lot sooner.

Thank goodness for small miracles.

I'm trying to find a link for the video, but I haven't found a decent one yet. I'm sure it's got to be somewhere.

I swear, this is the coolest thing ever.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Apocalypse Really is Here (I Will Not be Scooped!!)

I knew getting off the junk would pay off! I knew it.


Just, give me a moment to get this out...


Yes, it's true. Tom knocked up Katie.

It's true!! It's true!! The couple has even confirmed it!!!

So, what crazy things can we expect from our favorite crazy celebrities? Personally, I'm prepared for Tom to wax poetic about how immunization shots are from the devil.

Or psychiatrists.

What crazy thing do you think Tom will do or say now that he's gonna be a new Daddy?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Holy crap cakes!

Paris Hilton calls off marriage!

I can honestly say, without hesitation, swearing before the Flying Spaghetti Monster himself, I am shocked to the core.

Who could have seen this but Miss Cleo, I ask?! Oh, the seventh seal has been broken and I hear the hoof-beats of 4 dark riders. Blood moon, boiling seas and all that.

I would be terrified and huddling in our basement (if we had such things here on the west coast), but I'm so excited to have scooped Reese that I welcome the Armegeddon.

I hope rehab's going well, by the way.