"Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt...You're Glib, Matt."
What made Tom Cruise go craazzy?
Jumping on couches, marrying girls he met 2 months ago, and exclaiming that psychiatric drugs that alter the mind are bad, while herbs and vitamins that alter the mind are good.
What the hell?
My friend Toya De says it's a mid-life crisis. Best Week Ever on VH1 says he's always been crazy. But, I really want to know, what made Tom Cruise go craazzy?
Maybe he can't handle all the great, uh...benefits, that come with dating a 26 year old? ;)
I'm slightly worried about Tom. While his craziness has entertained me (a lot!), I can't continue to laugh at the man, when I know he needs help. Somebody needs to prescribe him some lithium... ;)
(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8343367/: This is the now infamous Today show interview; it doesn't get real good until 7 1/2 minutes into the interview; although, you can see shots of Katie Holmes in the background with a big goofy grin on her face ("I'm marrying a rich man- whoo-hoo!!")).